Acclimation guide.
Drip Method
We highly recommend using the drip method to acclimate your new fish. This method is geared toward sensitive inhabitants but works well with all fish and invertebrates. You will need airline tubing and must be willing to monitor the entire process. Gather a clean, 1-gallon bucket and insert the opened fish shipping bag, or carefully empty the contents of the bag (including the water) into the bucket. Using airline tubing, set up and run a siphon drip line from the main aquarium to your bucket.Tie several loose knots in the airline tubing to regulate flow from the aquarium. It is also a good idea to secure the airline tubing in place with an airline holder or a clip. Our Acclimation Kit is a convenient alternative that simplifies the drip acclimation process. Begin a siphon by sucking on the end of the airline tubing you'll be placing into the bucket. When water begins flowing through the tubing, adjust the drip by tightening one of the knots to a rate of about 2-4 drips per second. When the water volume in the bag or bucket doubles, discard half and begin the drip again until the volume doubles once more. This should take about one hour. At this point, your new fish can be transferred to the aquarium. Be patient - never rush the acclimation procedure. The total acclimation time for your new arrival should take no longer than one hour.